Trash Hotel 2012

Trash Hotel, 16 rooms, 59 different actors. Given options: One uniform mattress and 10 sqm space. And lots of imagination. Trash Design exhibition at Habitare Fair.

Bear skin mats, Toinen Elämä
Your home is where your door is, Philipp von Hase
Button-room, Jori Svärd
Never-land, Jaakko Leeve
Made in Kallio
Derelict, Estonia
Jonatan Varon, Finland
AA-shade, á 100€
AA-stool, Hnerik Enbom
Bed table, Aalto stool
Trash can-lamp
Bed light by Oskari Nukarinen
Chair sculpture, Henrik Enbom
Spoons by Mettinen
Durat-stool, ask for price